Frequently Asked Questions
Can everyone be hypnotized?
Many people are able to be hypnotized easily and deeply the first time they try hypnosis. Some need more experience and practice. Unfortunately there is a percentage of the population (up to 15%) that can’t be hypnotized at all. Sometimes non-hypnotic techniques help those people to retrieve memories.
Can everyone be regressed?
Like with hypnotherapy, regression therapy is not for everyone. That’s why I set a free consultation with all my clients before we book an appointment. I ask questions about your personal history to get a feeling for the issues you might want to address in the session, to make sure this type of therapy is appropriate for you. But despite all my experience and care, there’s no way I can know for sure if you will be able to access a past life memory until we try it. Still, the odds are good: about 95% of my clients do go back to a past life in the first session.
From what I can tell, successfully accessing a past life has nothing to do with how many books you’ve read about past life therapy or reincarnation, or how much you want it. It has more to do with your soul’s readiness, our rapport, your openness and willingness to change, as well as forces unknown or unforseen on that particular day. Every session is different.
Clients who did not access a past life memory sometimes find that they were changed by something that came up during the interview–apparently, just from focusing on their issues with me–or from regressing to an early childhood experience, which is not uncommon.
What results can I expect from my session?
Many different things can come out of a session. Reviewing and processing a past life memory might help you understand and resolve current relationships, begin to untangle emotional problems including phobias and compulsions, and even heal physical complaints. It might explain mysteries in your life and give you a greater sense of peace. Perhaps the greatest benefit is experiencing yourself as a soul who has lived before and will live again. Really knowing this can give you a different perspective, perhaps a little more objectivity, on your current life and make you feel differently about your death. I cannot say what will happen in your session, but any or all of these benefits are possible, based on what I’ve seen in the past.
How many sessions do you suggest?
Some clients find that one session gives them a tremendous jolt of insight that takes time to process. Remember, this is not talk therapy. It goes far deeper. It is not necessary to do past life regressions every week as you would with traditional psychotherapy. However, some clients find that returning for follow-up sessions help them continue the journey and heal. I may suggest you consider doing more sessions, depending on what your experience is. But it’s always your choice, and you may find that one session is enough.
However, I only noticed this recently that some particular insights appeared to clients only after a few lives regressed with a couple sessions. They started to be able to receive more insights by seeing the connections among these regressed lives.
Do you do regressions with children?
Usually, I do not do regressions with children under the age of 12–with some exceptions. And I do not regress anyone who has some mental issues including schizophrenia and other diagnosed mental issues. However, there are some other techniques and therapies that are mean to be helpful in those cases including family constellations and other regression formats as I know. So, I am available to discuss with parents about the appropriate approaches that are possibly helpful for your situation.
How long is a session?
Its the same with usual hypnotherapy, a session is one hour to 1.5 hour. During our first meeting, we engage in an interview, which has the feel of a traditional counseling session. We discuss why you want to do a regression and what you would like to accomplish. I ask many questions about your present life including your family history, events in early childhood (if you remember), your physical health, etc., as a means of focusing on particular patterns that may be a reflection of your past life experiences. The interview not only gives me information about you, it also primes your unconscious and begins the regression process.
After the session, we move on to the regression. The regression is done while reclining with your eyes closed so you can direct all your attention on your inner experience. The regression itself usually lasts for 60 minutes, or longer if necessary. Typically, a client can experience one to three lifetimes during the session.
I leave time after the regression to to talk about the experience. If you go deeply into a regression (which I hope you will), you may feel very peaceful, or a little drained, or slightly disoriented. Hopefully you will also be full of amazement at what you just experienced. I make sure you have time to get reoriented and grounded before you drive away in your car.
Is a past life regression the same as a psychic reading?
No. A past life regression is much different than a psychic reading. I do not sit with you and tell you about your past lives, either over the phone or in person.
Instead, we meet in my office and I guide you to remember your own past life memories. I assist you in processing the memories and relating them to your present life. For you it is an active, not a passive, process. You participate fully in the regression as I guide you through it.
The goal is for you to gain direct experience of yourself as a soul journeying and growing through time towards healing.
Do you need to achieve a deep level of hypnosis to experience past life regression?
Even people with a moderate response to hypnosis can benefit greatly.
Are all problems helped by past life therapy?
It is not always necessary to discover our past lives in order to live better lives in the present. Not all of our problems have their source in the past. Many people have enough understanding about themselves without delving in the past so that they can live this life in a healthy fulfilling, way.
What happened to our conscious minds during PLR? How could someone have some concepts that only appeared in his/her later life times during a PLR experience?
In hypnosis, the person is the observer as well as the person being observed. “Your conscious mind is always aware of what you are experiencing while you are hypnotized. Despite the deep subconscious contact, your mind can comment, criticize, and censor. . . Some people in hypnosis watch the past as if they are observing a movie. . . In hypnosis, your mind is always aware and observing. This is why people who may be deeply hypnotized and actively involved in a childhood or past life sequence of memories are able to answer the therapist’s questions, speak their current life language, know the geographical places they are seeing, and even know the year, which usually flashes before their inner eyes or just appears in their minds. The hypnotized mind, always retaining an awareness and knowledge of the present, puts the childhood or past life memories into context. If the year 1900 flashes, and you find yourself building a pyramid in ancient Egypt, you know that the year is B.C., even if you don’t see those actual letters.”
Why do we reincarnate?
I think everybody reincarnates because we have many lessons to learn, lessons about love, compassion, charity, nonviolence, inner peace, patience, etc. It would be hard to learn them all in only one life. Also, some people come back voluntarily to help others.
Do all souls reincarnate?
I think that sometimes you have to come back. If your learning is not finished, you find yourself being born into another lifetime. There may be some choices involved, however, but apparently there are limits to the choices. Highly evolved souls do not have to come back but often choose to reincarnate to help as teachers.
Can there still be communication with a loved one if that soul has reincarnated?
Souls can reincarnate and often do, but their spirit also remains “available” in the spiritual world. Our soul is far greater than our physical body; it’s not limited by our constructs of space and time.
Do souls reincarnate immediately?
Reincarnation is not always and not usually immediate. The in-between state may last a long time. Also, our soul is far greater than our physical body. It is not limited by our constructs of space and time.
Can souls “split”?
In rare circumstances a soul can split and have more than one experience at the same time in order to increase its learning opportunities.
What is the role of physical health?
We have tasks to do and much to learn. The healthier the body, the easier it is and the more time and energy there are to do what we came here to do. Your actions regarding your body can shorten your life and can thus limit your spiritual growth. A lso, it’s one of our lessons to respect our bodies.
What is the relationship between dreams and past life memories?
Often dreams contain fragments of past life memories. Also, frequently the material elicited through past life regressions contains metaphors and symbols and can trigger dream experiences.
Is there a difference in the evolution of the soul and that of the body?
I think that there are at least two lines of evolution. The evolution of the soul is different from the evolution of the physical body. At which exact time souls entered bodies for the first time I’m not exactly sure. But it is important to remember that these evolutionary lines are separate and distinct.
What do you think about parallel lives?
Thinking of time as linear is really a construct of our three-dimensional world. It’s easier for most people to think of time as a longitudinal flow from past to present to future, but at some level time probably does not exist. All lives might be occurring simultaneously.
Where do the souls come from if there are more people on earth now than ever before?
This is not the only place where there are souls. There are many dimensions, many different levels of consciousness where there are souls. Why should we feel that we’re the only place ? There is no limit to energy. This is one school of many schools.
What if my soul mate is no longer in my life?
Having a soul mate connection does not mean that one is obligated to spend a lifetime together. One has many soul mates in one’s lifetime. Often when the lessons to be learned in the relationship are completed, the relationship has a natural ending and the two souls move on. Also, there are many types of love and many types of soul relationships. Romantic love is only one of these types.
Do animals have souls?
Animals have souls too, and they may have their own lessons to learn. The souls may not be as highly individuated as those of humans, perhaps their family or group soul mingles more. But this distinction is not an important one.
Frequently animals or pets who have died greet us on the other side. Animals are here to teach many lessons. One of the lessons is unconditional love. Animals will sacrifice themselves for their owners oftentimes. People tend not to do that for each other.
Often people want to know if their pets will return to them. I have known this to happen.
Many people have also asked if animals reincarnate as other species of animals, and I think, yes, there is a kind of progression through many different stages. We can change our species and kingdom if we choose to, for that may offer us a new avenue for learning. We can explore animal consciousness or plant consciousness, or even the consciousness of the clouds. Why should we ever put any limits on our awareness, on our soul? Energy is energy. Consciousness is consciousness. And all sentient beings have an existence and have a soul and can therefore reincarnate.
How do you view suicide?
We have forgotten our true natures and it is our task to reawaken and remember. When you do understand the importance of this school we call earth and when you are truly spiritual, you do not cut classes early.
What is the relationship between destiny and free will?
I think that destiny and choice both exist and keep interacting with each other. As you make a choice it changes the future. Maybe the possibilities and probabilities change to an extent as you do that. We learn because of free choice, but we also have destiny.
What results can I expect from my session?
Many different things can come out of a session. Reviewing and processing a past life memory might help you understand and resolve current relationships, begin to untangle emotional problems including phobias and compulsions, and even heal physical complaints. It might explain mysteries in your life and give you a greater sense of peace. Perhaps the greatest benefit is experiencing yourself as a soul who has lived before and will live again. Really knowing this can give you a different perspective, perhaps a little more objectivity, on your current life and make you feel differently about your death. I cannot say what will happen in your session, but any or all of these benefits are possible, based on what I’ve seen in the past.